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2 posts tagged with "image cdn platform"

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· 6 min read
Rishika Pandey

If you have stumbled upon this content, there is the possibility that you are diving into the universe of image CDNs, keen on grasping their essence and understanding how Image CDNs work. Alternatively, perhaps you are already familiar with the concept and are aiming to explore deeper into the pivotal aspects that can amplify your website’s efficiency.

Be as it may, you are in the correct place!

In this article, you will understand the basics of CDN and also the importance of specific characteristics within an Image CDN.

Let’s get started on this right away. We will first examine the more general definition of content delivery networks (CDNs) and then examine the intricacies of image CDNs.

Deciphering Content Delivery Networks (CDNs)

Consider this scenario: You are running an e-commerce shop situated in India, hosted on a server in Bangalore. Now, envision users accessing your site from diverse regions, or even globally, a hundred miles away.

Geographical distances between users and your server may cause load times to lag, which can discourage customers, negatively influence their experience, and ultimately lower conversion rates. Because the load time increases with server distance.

Well, this is where Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) come into play. These networks involve dispersed servers globally, retaining duplicates of your website’s content. When a user demands your site, the CDN dispenses content from a server near the user’s location. This diminishes latency, ensures faster load times, and enriches user experience.

This is especially crucial in today’s visual-centric online environment, where images and visual content play a key role in engaging users and conveying information effectively.

What Constitutes an Image CDN?

Images introduce intricacy to content delivery due to variables like format, image size, image compression, and image quality. And a lot more. Hence, Image CDNs are customized to boost and disseminate images efficiently.

An image content delivery network (CDN) is just a conventional CDN with a few software upgrades on top to improve the functionality of the underlying CDN for real-time image optimisation and transformation, making it more appropriate for image delivery.

This is how it operates:

The Delivery

The delivery signifies that how quickly an image gets sent to the user’s device. This part is done by CDN as mentioned in the above paragraph. Some of the top-performing content delivery networks are AWS CloudFront and Akamai assure prompt transmission of images to users globally. They are massive as they have their network spread worldwide.

The Processing

We must incorporate the special functionality needed for editing and optimising the images into the content delivery network. Transformation to the WebP format, for example, can reduce image sizes by up to 80%. You may crop images, resize images, add a watermark, etc. to images with this processing feature.

Dedicated “processing servers,” which are distinct from the servers in the content delivery network, are used to carry out this operation. The processing servers carry out the majority of the work in configuring the image CDN. These would always be localised in a few regions and significantly fewer in number than the servers in a content delivery network.

The Storage

While some Image CDNs primarily concentrate on delivery and processing, others present integrated storage or media libraries. This attribute streamlines image management and facilitates seamless amalgamation with the CDN. Not only does this media library streamline image submission and administration, but it also makes it easy to get started with the service.

The Structural Composition of Image CDN

Consider PerceptPixel as an example. It amalgamates a media library for “storage”, AWS CloudFront for “delivery”, and for processing servers across numerous regions, crafting a resilient Image CDN infrastructure.

The image below shows the structure when we combine the three components of an Image CDN.

How Does an Image CDN Operate?

One of the primary reasons why image CDNs are important for enhancing page speed is their ability to cache and deliver images from servers that are closest to the user’s location. This geographical proximity reduces latency and minimises the time it takes for images to load, resulting in a faster and more seamless browsing experience.

Know if you need an Image CDN platform or not. Here are 6 reasons why Image CDN is important.

Upon a user’s solicitation of an image, the CDN facilitates its delivery through a sequence of stages:

  1. The CDN receives the request and verifies if the image is cached.
  2. If uncached, the request is transferred to processing servers for optimization.
  3. The optimized image is furnished to the user, with a cached replica saved for ensuing requests.

While the specifics may fluctuate, the core functionality remains consistent across Image CDNs.

Vital Attributes of an Image CDN

When assessing an Image CDN, ponder over these crucial features:

  • Integration with Existing Storages: Integration with current systems is paramount for a seamless experience.
  • Choice of CDN: Opt for a provider with a dependable and speedy Content Delivery Network, ensuring exceptional performance globally.
  • Location of Processing Regions: Closeness to processing servers diminishes latency, boosting image load times.
  • HTTPS and HTTP/2 Support: Essential for speedy page loading, SEO, and security. Support for custom domains enhances branding and SEO benefits.
  • Integrated Media Library: Eases image management and streamlines workflows for efficient content delivery.

Advanced Image Processing Traits

Think about these advanced features for image optimisation in addition to the structure:

  • Format Optimization: Efficient conversion that strikes a balance between quality and speed to ideal formats like WebP.

  • Controllable Compression: Finely adjust compression levels to harmonize image quality and file size, ensuring optimal performance.

  • Real-time Transformations: Dynamic resizing, cropping, and aspect ratio alterations for responsive images across devices.

  • URL Usability and Security: Guarantee secure, tamper-proof image URLs to prevent unauthorized access and uphold image integrity.

In Closure

Images are essential to the functionality and engagement of websites. Selecting the top Content Delivery Network (CDN) with both basic and sophisticated features is essential to delivering flawless customer experiences.

An exemplary solution is PerceptPixel, offering image optimization, the Option to Image background change, resilient infrastructure, a media library, custom CDN integration, comprehensive assistance and a lot more for your needs.

With 192+ edge locations, 5.1 million transformations each day, used & trusted by top e-commerce companies worldwide and a free plan, it’s a dependable partner in your quest for excellent image delivery.

Do not settle for mediocre website images. Start optimizing today and elevate your user experience to unparalleled heights!

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· 5 min read
Rishika Pandey


What? Users are waiting for more than 3 seconds on your website? And you are not using Image CDN (Content Delivery Network) for your website Images? Not a good idea. That’s like waiting for a slow-motion turtle to finish its race while everyone else is already chilling at the finish line!

Well, did you know that Google says more than 50% of people will bounce off a webpage if it’s slower than three seconds?

Page speed is very important for how people feel when they visit a website. In today’s fast digital world, where people get easily distracted, and have less patience, having a website that loads quickly is super important.

If your website takes too long to load, it can make users frustrated and leave the site quickly. This will increase the bounce rate and hence the SEO ranking of your website will decrease. But again if a website loads fast, it gives a better browsing experience to the users and they’re more likely to stay.

Let’s get to the topic. 6 Reasons to Use CDN (Content Delivery Network) for Images.

Speed Enhancement using Image CDN:

When it comes to making your website faster with images, using a Content Delivery Network (CDN) isn’t just about storing content on servers worldwide. There’s something called an image CDN that can also make your images load faster by making them better. Here’s how:

  • Choosing the Best Format: Smart image CDNs can pick the best format for each image. They can even change pictures into new formats like WebP, which can make them smaller without losing quality. This can make your images load faster by up to 40% compared to regular formats like JPEG.

Global Reach Using Image CDN (Content Delivery Network):

With a network of servers distributed strategically across the globe, CDNs ensure reliable and fast image delivery to users worldwide. This global reach is particularly beneficial for websites catering to international audiences, enhancing user experience regardless of geographic location.

Device Compatibility:

There are so many different devices now, all with different screen sizes and resolutions, CDN (Content Delivery Network) for images makes sure that pictures look good on every device. It changes the pictures to fit each device perfectly. This means that no matter what device someone is using, the pictures on the website will always fit perfectly on the screen and load quickly. This makes sure that everyone gets a smooth and enjoyable experience, no matter what kind of device they have.

Tip: If you’re unsure about how well your website’s images are adapting to different devices, try checking it using tools like Google PageSpeed Insights. This can help you ensure that your website provides a great experience for users, no matter what device they’re using.

Advanced Features:

Image CDNs provide advanced features that enhance website performance, including lazy loading and real-time optimization. Here’s how they work:

  • Lazy Loading: This feature loads images only when someone scrolls to them, conserving bandwidth and improving page speed. By delaying the loading of images until they’re needed, lazy loading saves internet data and ensures your website loads faster.

  • Real-Time Optimization: With real-time optimization, the CDN ensures that your images consistently look good and load quickly. It continuously adjusts image settings to maintain quality while maximizing loading speed. Additionally, it provides valuable data to help you further enhance your website’s performance.

Security and Data Protection:

When it comes to keeping your data safe, CDNs are like superheroes! They use special techniques to protect your information and make sure it stays safe from bad guys.

Here’s how:

  • Robust Encryption: CDNs use powerful codes to lock up your data tight, so only you can unlock it. This keeps your information safe from hackers who might try to steal it.

  • Access Controls: They also have special rules in place to control who can see and use your data. This means only authorized people can access it, keeping it away from anyone who shouldn’t have it.

  • Monitoring Mechanisms: CDNs keep a close eye on your data all the time. If anything looks suspicious, they’ll catch it right away and take action to keep your information safe.

Bandwidth and Server Load Reduction:

When websites use a CDN for images, they move the job of delivering images from their main servers to special CDN servers. This helps in three important ways:

  • Save Money: By using a CDN, websites don’t have to spend as much money on their bandwidth, which is how much data they use to send images to people’s devices.

  • Less Work for Servers: When CDN servers handle image delivery, it means less work for the main servers. This makes the website run smoother and faster.

  • Stable Performance: With less strain on the servers, websites become more stable and perform better overall. This means fewer crashes or slowdowns when people are using the website.

Tip: If you want to improve your website’s performance, consider using a CDN (Content Delivery Network)for images to reduce server load and make your website faster and more reliable.

Concluding (or You can say reason to choose CDN for Images)

Are you still in a dilemma about whether you should go for CDN for your Images? Let me make it simpler for you to decide if you require PerceptPixel CDN (Content Delivery Network for your) images:

  • You are into e-commerce, or have a website that contains a lot of media content
  • There are outages and other performance problems with your website.
  • Your website receives a lot of traffic, or it occasionally sees surges in traffic.
  • You have your audience base around the globe.
  • You are in the future, planning to scale your business
  • You wish to lighten the workload of your development staff.
  • You are concerned about security and host important stuff.

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