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· 6 min read
Rishika Pandey

We are asking too many questions, aren't we? But every question here is very critical for your website's health. We all know that visuals play a crucial role in capturing attention (about 90% of the information processed by the brain is visual) and to grab website visitors' attention you as a website owner should make use of high-pixel images.

Why Images are so Important for any website owners? Well, let us get it straight not everyone likes to read a lot of text. Remember when we were kids and used to judge the book by its cover? Well, the image on the cover was the visual "get-set-go" for us, a judging criterion. The habit of judging by visuals may not have left us and so when it comes to owning a website, Images not only enhance the aesthetics of a website but they speak out loud and convey information about your product and services effectively.

But can you directly add high-quality images to your website without optimising the images?

The answer is - you absolutely should not. Using high-quality images can often lead to painfully longer load times for website visitors, worsening the overall user experience.

So, what could be the possible solution? The answer lies in, Image optimisation or using image cdn. In this comprehensive blog, let us delve into the “why” of image optimisation and explore simple strategies to better the performance of your website through optimised images.

Why Image Optimisation Matters?

When it comes to website performance, speed is key, quite literally. Studies have shown that users tend to abandon a website if it takes more than a few seconds to load. Images, being one of the primary factors contributing to page load times, need to be optimised to ensure a seamless browsing experience. Here are some compelling reasons why image optimisation matters:

Faster Load Times

  • Optimised images result in faster load times, leading to improved user experience.
  • Reduced bounce rates and higher engagement levels are directly correlated with faster-loading websites.

Image Optimisation Leads to Improved SEO

  • Search engines like Google, Duck Duck Go, consider page load speed as a ranking factor, which means that a slow-loading website may be penalized in search results.
  • Optimised images can help improve your website's SEO performance and visibility.

Bandwidth Savings

  • Optimised images consume less bandwidth, making them cost-effective for both the website owner and the visitors.

Strategies for Image Optimisation

Now that we understand the significance of image optimisation, let's explore some effective strategies to implement on your website:

Image Compression

  • Use tools like PerceptPixel or JPEG Optimizer to compress images without compromising quality.
  • Strike a balance between image quality and file size to achieve optimal results.

Proper File Formatting

  • Choose the right file format for each image (JPEG for photographs, PNG for graphics with transparency, etc.).
  • Avoid using high-resolution images for web display.

Image Dimensions

  • Resize images as per the required dimensions required on your website, or maintain a uniform dimension for your blog images, banners, and other such images.

Here is a table you can refer to for understanding the optimal dimensions requirement by a website.

Website image typeDesktop image dimensions (W x H)Mobile image dimensions (W x H)Recommended aspect ratio
Background image2560 x 1400 pixels360 x 640 pixels16:9
Hero image1280 x 720 pixels360 x 200 pixels16:9
Website banner1200 x 400 pixels360 x 120 pixels3:1
Blog image1200 x 800 pixels360 x 240 pixels3:2
Logo (rectangle)400 x 100 pixels160 x 40 pixels4:1
Logo (square)100 x 100 pixels60 x 60 pixels1:1
Favicon16 x 16 pixels16 x 16 pixels1:1
Social media icons32 x 32 pixels48 x 48 pixels1:1
Lightbox images (full screen)1920 x 1080 pixels360 x 640 pixels16:9
Thumbnail image300 x 300 pixels90 x 90 pixels1:1

Properly sized images not only enhance the visual appeal of your website but also improve loading speed, which is a key factor in search engine rankings.

  • Avoid scaling images using HTML or CSS, as it can slow down page loading times.

Lazy Loading

  • Implement lazy loading to defer loading images that are not visible on the screen immediately.
  • This technique can significantly reduce initial load times without sacrificing user experience.

Image Metadata

  • When it comes to SEO, optimizing images goes beyond just reducing file size. By adding descriptive alt text, title tags, and captions, you can not only improve accessibility but also enhance SEO performance.
  • Alt text, also known as alternative text, is a brief description of an image that is displayed in place of the image if it fails to load. This text is crucial for visually impaired users and search engine crawlers as it provides context for the image. Including relevant keywords in your alt text can also help improve your site's SEO.
  • Title tags are another essential element of image metadata optimization. These tags appear when a user hovers over an image and provide additional information about the image. By using descriptive and keyword-rich titles, you can make your images more discoverable and improve your overall SEO

"Optimising images using image cdn is not just about reducing file size; it's about improving the overall experience of every user."


Image optimisation is a critical aspect of website development that often gets overlooked. By following the strategies outlined in this guide, you can enhance the performance of your website, improve user experience, and boost your SEO rankings. Remember, a well-optimised image is not just visually appealing but also contributes to the overall success of your online presence. Start implementing these image optimisation techniques today and watch your website performance soar!

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· 9 min read
Rishika Pandey

Within the field of image editing, the achievement of polished and professional-looking images often relies on effective background cleaning and cluttered background removal. This blog post looks at various background cleaning tools available, with a specific focus on comparing PerceptPixel's background removal ability against other popular tools such as,, and fotor. This will give you a better idea of choosing the right background remover tool for you.

Why Image Background Cleaning Is Important?

Nowadays, photos speak louder than words. You can’t ignore the power of great visuals for your website, or social media account. Imagine you are a globetrotting travel blogger capturing unforgettable moments with every click of your camera. You've got this incredible snapshot, but the background? Well, let's just say it's not exactly Instagram-worthy. What's a savvy blogger to do? Do you turn to the unpredictable world of Twitter, hoping to find a kind soul willing to tweak your background? Or do you take matters into your own hands, effortlessly editing it to perfection with just a click? If you didn’t know about the second option, you have come to the right place.

Why Photo Editors Need a Good Background Removal Tool?

Photo editors often use various techniques to replace the original background with a more fitting one (as in the image above). This not only enhances the overall appeal but is also essential for creating captivating designs. A translucent background provides flexibility for image manipulation, resulting in visually stunning creations that grab viewers' attention.

In the process, photo editors isolate subjects to remove unwanted backgrounds, aiming for a clean, transparent, or monochromatic backdrop. This ensures that the subject can seamlessly integrate into new settings or compositions without any distractions.

Why Do You Need Background Cleaning Tools?

There are pretty good background cleaning tools in the market. Few of the top ones are mentioned in this blog - discover them by reading. Back to our context of “Whybackground cleaning?. Well, a picture is an art, and art is one of the ways of communicating with the best intent. You need background remover to make your product stand out, to showcase the artist in you, or to bring out the best intention of the image taken, without the focus on the cluttered distraction in the background. Sometimes it is the little things that make the whole difference.

So for the artist in you, here are:

Tips for Perfecting Background Cleanup or Background Remover

  1. Use High-Resolution Images: Start with high-quality images to achieve the best results in background cleanup.
  2. Refine Edges Carefully: Pay attention to edge details to ensure a seamless transition between the subject and background.
  3. Experiment with Different Tools: Explore various background remover tools to find the one that suits your workflow and style the best.

The best thing about tools like PerceptPixel, fotor, or is you do not require practice to do background cleanup. All you need is your email ID and password, your image, and a tool like PerceptPixel does professional-like jobs concerning background removal and manipulation.

Now Let Us Compare Different Background Cleanup Solutions

Background Cleanup Using PerceptPixel:

In PerceptPixel, users not only have the capability to remove backgrounds but can also go a step further. Beyond simple removal, PerceptPixel allows users to replace the background with a custom image from their own collection or from the provided stock images. Also, users have the option to change the background colour to the most suitable shade, whether it's black, white, or any other colour they desire. PerceptPixel is lightning-fast, thanks to our optimised image size, nearly half that of This results in quick downloads, exceptional precision, and comprehensive background cleanup, along with a range of other features. Plus, being on a CDN makes PerceptPixel an even more attractive option.

PerceptPixel automatically optimises your images (look at the right panel of the image below).

Background removal using fotor and

1 . offers a range of editing features, including background removal. However, like and, it does not provide the option to replace backgrounds with custom or stock images. While it may offer some basic background manipulation options, such as adjusting brightness or contrast, it does not offer the same level of flexibility as PerceptPixel in terms of background replacement and colour changes. Also, you would need to upgrade to the pro version to remove the watermark from your image. All in all, is a good choice for basic editing tasks, providing a variety of features for users to improve their images.

2 . offers basic background removal features to meet simple editing requirements. But sometimes the images generated may not be that accurate (refer to the image above). On the other hand, with PerceptPixel, users can exert more control over the editing process, allowing for increased flexibility and creativity in achieving desired results. Another thing is that presents noticeable irregularities, rough edges, and difficulties in background removal, suggesting a service that meets mere expectations but falls short of excellence.

When I tried checking the speed after I saw a few reviews, I could conclude that took more than 10 seconds to display the edited image whereas PerceptPixel took about 4 seconds to do the same. In emergency cases the time is money!

How PerceptPixel is Different from focuses primarily on background removal. Known for its distinctions between the subject and background, is popular for its convenience and user-friendly dashboard. However, its limited picture adjustment options often leave users wanting more. Occasionally, may inaccurately cut out images, resulting in subpar edges, especially with messy backgrounds.

This question comes across a lot from the common users of PerceptPixel and “The quality (of PerceptPixel and looks the same then what is the significant difference between PerceptPixel and” Let's illustrate with an example. Consider an e-commerce brand's catalogue image. We'll compare the results from both services.

At first, you might just not know the difference just by looking at the image. They, in fact, look the same. But the difference here is the background of the first image is removed using PerceptPixel, and the second image is done using and that’s not it; there is a significant difference between the sizes of the images.

The size of the image downloaded through was 217 KB (223,189 bytes) whereas the size of the image downloaded via PerceptPixel was 66.7 KB (68,371 bytes).

Why Does This Small Difference in Image Sizes Bring About a Huge Difference?

Well, optimising image size is crucial for several reasons, especially for website performance and user experience. Here's why opting for smaller image sizes is always an advantage:

  1. Faster Page Loading: Smaller image sizes mean reduced file sizes, resulting in quicker loading times for your web pages. In today's fast-paced digital environment, users expect websites to load almost instantly. By minimising image sizes, you contribute to a faster and smoother browsing experience for your visitors.
  2. Bandwidth Conservation: Large images consume more bandwidth, particularly for users accessing your website on mobile devices or with slower internet connections. By optimising image sizes, you conserve bandwidth, which can lead to cost savings, especially if you pay for data usage or hosting services based on bandwidth consumption.
  3. Improved SEO: Website speed is a crucial factor in search engine ranking algorithms. Search engines like Google prioritise websites that load quickly, as they provide a better user experience. By optimising image sizes and overall page loading speed, you enhance your website's SEO performance, potentially leading to higher rankings in search engine results pages (SERPs).
  4. Enhanced User Experience: A fast-loading website contributes to a positive user experience. Visitors are more likely to stay engaged and explore your content if they don't have to wait for images to load. By ensuring that your images are optimised for size, you create a seamless and enjoyable browsing experience, which can increase user satisfaction and encourage return visits.
  5. Compatibility with Different Devices: Users access websites from various devices with different screen sizes and resolutions. Optimising image sizes ensures that your website is compatible with a wide range of devices, including smartphones, tablets, laptops, and desktop computers. Images that are too large may not display correctly on smaller screens or may take up unnecessary space, leading to a less-than-optimal user experience.


Table comparison of PerceptPixel Background Cleanup Capabilities and Other Tools
Background RemovalYes, with advanced algorithms for precise removal.Yes, with quick results.Yes, with basic removal features.Yes, with basic removal features.
Background ReplacementYes, users can replace the background with custom or stock images.No option for background replacement.No option for background replacement.No option for background replacement.
Background Colour ChangeYes, users can change the background colour to the most suitable shade.No option for changing the background colour.No option for changing the background colour.Limited options for changing the background colour.
Customisation Options customisation options.Limited customisation options.Offers some customisation features.
AffordabilityCompetitive pricing plans cater to users of all levels.Pricing may be higher compared to similar services.Pricing may be higher compared to similar services.Offers a mix of free and paid features with varying pricing plans.
CDN AvailabilityAvailableNot AvailableNot AvailableNot Available

What Can You Do With PerceptPixel Background Remover

  1. Background removal and replacement: Ideal for replacing backgrounds with new images or solid colors.
  2. Background remover and resize: This allows you to resize images while removing backgrounds for better composition.
  3. Background remover and crop: Enables precise cropping of images with background removal for custom framing.
  4. Background remover and colour: Offers options to change background colours or add gradients for visual impact.

And, that is a wrap!

You can get a clear difference why PerceptPixel stands out among the competition by offering advanced background manipulation features, including background replacement with custom or stock images and the ability to change background colors, providing users with greater flexibility and control over their editing process.

Selecting the appropriate tool for background remover can significantly impact the calibre of your images. Explore PerceptPixel image CDN and witness firsthand how it enriches your editing workflow and enhances your visual content.

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· 7 min read
Rishika Pandey

Imagine you clicked an awesome shot, but there's a cluttered mess lurking in the background, ready to steal the spotlight. That's where the magic of background cleanup and replacement swoops in! Tools like PerceptPixel can save your masterpiece anytime anywhere! Now let us get to why Image Background Cleanup and Background Replacement are so important nowadays.

Cleaning up and replacing backgrounds are key in the post-production of images. This is true for personal or professional use. These techniques are important. Why? because They can change an image's look and feel. They make the final result more polished and catchy.

In photography, the background serves as a crucial component that can either enhance or detract from the main subject. A cluttered or distracting background can harm the image's focal point. On the other hand, a clean and well-composed background can boost the photo's overall composition and impact.

Importance of Image Cleanup and Replacement in Marketing

Fixing and replacing backgrounds are vital. This is especially true in marketing. They ensure consistency and reinforce brand identity in ads and promos. Whether the image or art photo created is for social media posts, website banners, or print ads. A good background helps the message and attracts the target audience. By making sure the background fits the main subject and matches the brand's style. Doing this, businesses can create a strong look and impress consumers.

Importance of Image Cleanup and Replacement in Graphic Design

In graphic design, cleaning up and replacing backgrounds are key. They make projects look clean and professional. A logo, a brochure, or a website layout all need a good background. It sets the tone and mood of the design. Designers can improve their work's impact by removing distractions. They can also remove inconsistencies from the background and can replace them with a better backdrop. This way, they can communicate well with the audience and enhance the experience.

Background cleanup and replacement in photo editing projects

Also, fixing the background and replacing it ensures consistency and professionalism in photo editing whether it is for personal photos, professional portfolios, or commercial campaigns. A clean background can improve the images and show the skill of the photographer or editor. By spending time and effort to clean up and replace backgrounds, people can improve their visual storytelling. They can captivate viewers with stunning and impactful images.

Furthermore, background cleanup and replacement can also be used to retouch and enhance the overall quality of an image. In portrait photography, for example, removing blemishes from the background can make the subject look better.

This includes wrinkles and imperfections. Replacing a dull background with a more interesting one can turn a boring image into art.

Advantages of background cleanup and replacement in images

  1. One key advantage of background cleanup and replacement in images is the flexibility background cleanup and replacement offers. It also gives creative freedom to artists and photographers. Digital tools and software let professionals edit photos. They can easily change backgrounds to fit the look and feel they want for their projects. You can add textures, adjust colours, or use effects. The possibilities are endless for improving an image's background.

  2. Also, cleaning up and replacing backgrounds are valuable techniques in e-commerce photography. When showcasing products online, clean and consistent backgrounds always come up as an advantage for user engagement. They improve the presentation and increase the perceived value of the items. This in turn creates a professional and cohesive look and builds trust and credibility with potential buyers. On the other hand a cluttered background will impact sales and brand impression negatively while on the other hand attractive backgrounds in fact boosts sales.

  3. Fixing backgrounds in images is about more than just looks. It also aids storytelling and emotion. In visual arts and media, the background sets the scene and context for the main subject. It influences how the viewer interprets and connects with the image. Artists can make a deeper story and evoke moods by choosing and improving the background. This lets them connect with the audience more deeply.

Why PerceptPixel Stands Out

PerceptPixel emerges as a beacon in the landscape of image editing tools. It offers unmatched efficacy and convenience in background cleanup and replacement. Here’s why it outshines its counterparts:

Simplicity Personified: PerceptPixel streamlines background cleanup and replacement with a few clicks. Users click the background and select the desired action. They then see swift and precise removal or replacement. This results in a clean, focused image with no effort.

Diverse Customization: PerceptPixel offers many options. These range from textured backgrounds to colour changes for background replacement. Users can easily tailor the backdrop to fit their style. This ensures every image matches your vision.

Real-time Visualization: It is a feature of PerceptPixel. It lets users see the effect of background changes as they happen. This feature is dynamic. It empowers users to make informed choices. It ensures the final image matches your expectations.

How PerceptPixel Helps with Background Cleanup and Background Replacement

Removing the Background

Click on Background: The first step in cleaning up your image is to click on the background in the left panel of the PerceptPixel interface. This will highlight your image’s background, making it easy to see it apart from the main subject. Select Remove Background to remove it.

PerceptPixel’s advanced algorithms will quickly remove the background from your image. We do this accurately and leave you with a clean and focused result. Within seconds, the background vanishes. Your subject then takes center stage. This instant cleanup process saves you time and effort, giving you the perfect base for further edits or enhancements.

Replacing the Background

Choose Your Background: After cleaning it up, PerceptPixel offers many options to replace it. Choose your textured background from the left panel. This will give your image a new look and feel.

For a simple colour change, PerceptPixel lets you choose your preferred colour with just a few clicks. Try different shades to find the perfect backdrop for your image (Can do better than orange there, but hope you got the idea). As you change the background, the right-hand panel will show a live preview of your image. This lets you see the impact of your choices in real-time so you can keep track of your changes. This feature is dynamic. It ensures that you can make informed decisions about the background replacement.

Background replacement and cleanup is that simple with PerceptPixel Imaged CDN solution.

Adding custom background using PereptPixel

Adding to the allure, we offer a custom background feature. This allows you to pick your preferred background for your image. Then, you can seamlessly add it to your image. All in all, you will find everything you need in one place.


In conclusion, fixing backgrounds and replacing them are key parts of image editing. They can greatly improve the quality and impact of photos, designs, and visual content. These techniques offer creative freedom and flexibility to artists, designers and photographers and allow them to turn ordinary images into extraordinary art and for making things look better, keeping branding consistent, or telling stories and showing emotions. These techniques serve as catalysts, transforming mere images into captivating works of visual artistry and resonating deeply with viewers, forging connections that transcend pixels and screens.

PerceptPixel has been ranked 1st on the product of the day in Product Hunt and 2nd in Developers tool and has received so much love and appreciation from users worldwide. PerceptPixel is an intuitive tool for cleaning up and replacing backgrounds, but it is not just a tool for just these two things, you should check out the full potential of PerceptPixel and we would love to hear your thoughts and feedback.

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· 5 min read
Rishika Pandey

percept pixel versus cloudinary

Let me start with the table comparison of Cloudinary and PerceptPixel (an alternative to Cloudinary). The table below will show you the differences and similarities of the two platforms. For more information just relax and read along.

TypeFull stack image editor and CDNCloud-based image and video management
Editing CapabilitiesEssential editing features, crop images, change image format, user-friendly, etc.Versatile tools for cropping, resizing, filters, etc.
Optimisation & DeliveryIntegrated CDN, fast loading, cache managementGlobal CDN, dynamic URL transformations, lazy loading
Pricing & PlansTiered plans based on image processing and storageUsage-based tiers, additional charges for advanced features
Security & PrivacySecure encryption, access controls, monitoringData encryption, access controls, compliance
StrengthsUser-friendly interface, integrated CDNComprehensive solution, dynamic transformations
Target UsersBroad range, individuals to enterprisesWide range, from individuals to enterprises

Cloudinary vs. PerceptPixel: A Battle of Pixels!

Hey there, image enthusiasts, Instagrammers, and (well how can we leave) tech aficionados! In this blog we're going to compare two amazing image CDN platforms: Cloudinary and its alternative PerceptPixel. But hey, don't worry, we'll keep it fun and engaging, just like editing your favourite Instagram photos!

Cloudinary vs. PerceptPixel (An alternative to Cloudinary)

Let us start with this situation: Suppose you're building a website or an app, and you need to handle tons of creatives and images. Which platform should you choose to make your visuals pop and your site load lightning-fast? Let's take a closer look! If you own a site and regularly add images, you would know the pain the best images bring if they aren’t optimized or formatted. The beautiful heavy images that make your website stand out, can actually make you stand out of the SERPS. Because you know if your site is not loading then the SEO score of your website reduces, and hence no ranking.

Cloudinary vs. PerceptPixel: Capability Comparison

Cloudinary: The Photoshop of the Cloud!

cloudinary cdn platfrom

Cloudinary is like having a Photoshop wizard living in the cloud. Need to crop, resize, add filters, or sprinkle some text magic on your pictures? Cloudinary has your back with its editing tools.

PerceptPixel an alternative to Cloudinary: Where Simplicity Meets Power!

percept pixel cdn platfrom

On the other side of the ring, we have PerceptPixel, the cool tool on the block with a knack for simplicity. Whether you are a student, social media marketer, UX/UI designer, or anyone who works with websites enhancement and images, PerceptPixel is an easy choice. Think of it as your favourite Instagram filter combined with a supercharged Content Delivery Network (CDN). Editing images with PerceptPixel is as easy as pie, and its integrated CDN ensures your visuals zip through cyberspace faster than you can say “Meeow!”

Cloudinary vs. PerceptPixel: Let the Image optimisation game begin!

Image optimization using percept pixel

When it comes to optimising your images for the web, both Cloudinary and PerceptPixel are champions. Cloudinary flexes its muscles with global CDN support, dynamic URL transformations, lazy loading (not the napping kind!), auto-formatting, and responsive delivery. Meanwhile, PerceptPixel keeps it sleek and efficient with its built-in CDN, ensuring your images reach your audience at warp speed!

Cloudinary or PerceptPixel: Pricing Showdown!

In the world of image management, every pixel counts, especially when it comes to pricing. Cloudinary offers many subscriptions (you can check cloudinary pricing here). The options are tailored to your storage, bandwidth, and feature needs. Meanwhile, PerceptPixel keeps it simple with transparent pricing tiers based on image processing and storage volumes. It's like choosing between à la carte or an all-you-can-eat buffet—pick as per your hunger!

Do not worry about security whether it is Cloudinary or PerceptPixel!

Security is no joke when it comes to your precious images and data. Fear not, for both Cloudinary and its alternative PerceptPixel take security very very seriously. They've got encryption, access controls, and industry-standard compliance. They have them locked down tighter than Iron Vault. Your images are safe and sound, guarded against any digital marauders!

Cloudinary or PerceptPixel-Lights, Camera, Action: Choosing Your Hero!

So, which tool will you go for your image management adventures?

Cloudinary, with its powerhouse editing tools and scalability? Or PerceptPixel, the sleek and speedy solution with a user-friendly twist? The choice is always yours! But just remember to pick the platform that suits your needs, budget, and technical prowess the best.

If you are considering PerceptPixel as your choice and you would want to know more about PerceptPixel then hop into our website and live chat with us, anytime, any-day.

And there you have it, folks! A short and precise tour of the Cloudinary vs. PerceptPixel showdown. Whether you're a seasoned developer or a curious newbie, we hope this comparison has shed at least some light on your image management journey. Now go forth and conquer the digital realm, one pixel at a time! Lastly! If you are unsure whether you need a reason to use CDN we can actually give you 6 reasons to opt for CDN.

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· 6 min read
Rishika Pandey

Photo by Marvin Meyer on Unsplash

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. What is Digital Asset Management
  3. Why Digital Asset Management (DAM) Is Important
  4. A tool for Digital Asset Management (DAM)
  5. Conclusion

Do you know that companies spend heaps of money just to maintain order in their digital assets? Yep, we're talking about all kinds of digital stuff like videos, photos, audio files, graphics, and documents (the list goes on). It gets tricky when your company is growing since the digital content expands in tandem with the company's growth.

It is no secret that in this era of all things digital, it is critical to keep track of your organisation's digital assets, ensure easy access as well as keep them secure. That is where Digital Asset Management (DAM) steps in to be the hero!

What is Digital Asset Management (DAM): Understanding it better

Well, DAM or digital asset management ensures that all your digital content is tidy, secure, and accessible.

In other words, this system makes it easy to get files. It ensures version control and helps team members collaborate. With the help of the DAM (Digital Asset Management) system, businesses can save time, reduce errors, and boost overall work efficiency.

Why Digital Asset Management (DAM) Is Important: Discussion

  • Brand Consistency: Your brand consists of critical components like your brand mascot or logo, brand catchphrase or tagline, and brand visuals or creatives. If the employees struggle to find these creative assets, they may end up using out-of-date versions or incorrect ones. This could weaken your brand's identity. But, by using a Digital Asset Management (DAM) system you can avoid this scenario. How? well, You can put all current assets in one place. This ensures easy access for internal teams and external stakeholders like partners, associates, agencies, and customers.

  • Increased Productivity: Using a DAM system increases productivity. It makes teams' work smooth and collaborative (and less frustrating). This leads to faster project completion. The days of waiting for assets from designers or creatives are over with DAM as it simplifies access to essential files and resources. This improved efficiency not only speeds up workflow but also creates a more dynamic and productive environment.

  • Time and Cost Savings: Yes! DAM can help you save costs and time (because time is money?). Your business can save a lot by removing duplicate assets. It can also save by reducing time waste. Finding and merging redundant assets helps organisations cut unnecessary expenses linked to storage, maintenance, and management.As a result, time and resources saved can be used for better things and creativity. This will lead to higher profits and sustainability.

  • Secure sharing: Secure sharing is easier with a Digital Asset Management (DAM) system. Often when we do not have a DAM system at place we share it through random different channels convenient for us at the time of sharing. Having a DAM system setup reduces the need to share digital assets through email, Slack, Teams or text messages. It also stops the practice of saving them on platforms like personal Google Drive or Dropbox.By uniting files in one spot, you can create rules to manage access and keep them safe and sound.

Digital Asset Management (DAM) - Going beyond just storing files

Digital Asset Management goes beyond just storing files. It is more about making sure your digital assets help your business goals. By implementing DAM, you can utilise the full potential of your digital content, maximise its value, and drive growth. In today's competitive landscape, having a robust DAM strategy is essential for businesses looking to stay ahead. And with every strategy, comes a reliable tool.

Let’s talk about it!

Here is one of the robust and reliable digital asset management (DAM) platforms we will talk about, read along.

Exploring Digital Asset Management Platform - PerceptPixel

Screenshot from PerceptPixel

Screenshot from PerceptPixel.

From Adobe to other leading software providers, there are a few awesome digital asset management platforms available in the market. One such platform is PerceptPixel. In this blog post let us discuss about our tool PerceptPixel.

PerceptPixel's sophisticated capabilities include smart search options, automatic captioning, and labelling, that greatly improves the Digital Asset Management (DAM) overall process. This platform improves asset organisation. You must be wondering how? Well, It does this by adding subtitles and tags to images. This makes them easier to find. Users can effectively classify images, making it possible for assets in the DAM system to be retrieved and used more quickly at any time.

Develop Visual Content Strategy With the PerceptPixel DAM system

Generate captions and tags faster than writing this caption

Generate caption and tags faster than writing this sentence.

The PerceptPixel's advanced search lets users swiftly find images in the media library. It uses tags assigned automatically. This reduces frustrating search time and boosts efficiency (and psychological comfort). This simple search system ensures that users can quickly access the assets they need for marketing campaigns, content development, design initiatives or any other ad-hoc creative task or any requirement by the client.

In Digital Asset Management (DAM), the ability to do smart searches using auto-generated tags is game-changing. This is especially true for enterprises aiming to simplify asset management.

Moreover, PerceptPixel is an Image CDN platform. Perhaps you could read this post. It discusses why you might need and Image CDN platform, (if you're not sure whether you need a DAM and Image CDN platform).

Search and Share Feature Provided by PerceptPixel

Let me also highlight the search and share feature by PerceptPixel. Well, here you can easily upload, search, and manage marketing or other valuable creative assets and share them across social media platforms after optimising in a jiffy.
Upload, share, store, analyse, and organize your assets all in one place.

Find assets in PerceptPixel

Find assets in PerceptPixel

Share the assets or image with one click - PerceptPixel

Conclusion, or DAM-it

Digital Asset Management (DAM) is not just a tool – it is a strategic investment that can transform your business. By implementing DAM, businesses can streamline processes, enhance collaboration, and improve efficiency. Embrace the power of DAM and witness the positive impact it can have on your organisation's success.

If you're ready to take your digital asset management to the next level, consider implementing a robust DAM solution like PerceptPixel (because why not?) tailored to your business needs.

You can contact us anytime through our website here: PerceptPixel Website. Also, a good news for you we now offer a free digital asset management tool to start with. Try the free Image cdn tool here: PerceptPixel.

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LinkedIn: PerceptPixel LinkedIn

Twitter: PerceptPixel Twitter

· 6 min read
Rishika Pandey

If you have stumbled upon this content, there is the possibility that you are diving into the universe of image CDNs, keen on grasping their essence and understanding how Image CDNs work. Alternatively, perhaps you are already familiar with the concept and are aiming to explore deeper into the pivotal aspects that can amplify your website’s efficiency.

Be as it may, you are in the correct place!

In this article, you will understand the basics of CDN and also the importance of specific characteristics within an Image CDN.

Let’s get started on this right away. We will first examine the more general definition of content delivery networks (CDNs) and then examine the intricacies of image CDNs.

Deciphering Content Delivery Networks (CDNs)

Consider this scenario: You are running an e-commerce shop situated in India, hosted on a server in Bangalore. Now, envision users accessing your site from diverse regions, or even globally, a hundred miles away.

Geographical distances between users and your server may cause load times to lag, which can discourage customers, negatively influence their experience, and ultimately lower conversion rates. Because the load time increases with server distance.

Well, this is where Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) come into play. These networks involve dispersed servers globally, retaining duplicates of your website’s content. When a user demands your site, the CDN dispenses content from a server near the user’s location. This diminishes latency, ensures faster load times, and enriches user experience.

This is especially crucial in today’s visual-centric online environment, where images and visual content play a key role in engaging users and conveying information effectively.

What Constitutes an Image CDN?

Images introduce intricacy to content delivery due to variables like format, image size, image compression, and image quality. And a lot more. Hence, Image CDNs are customized to boost and disseminate images efficiently.

An image content delivery network (CDN) is just a conventional CDN with a few software upgrades on top to improve the functionality of the underlying CDN for real-time image optimisation and transformation, making it more appropriate for image delivery.

This is how it operates:

The Delivery

The delivery signifies that how quickly an image gets sent to the user’s device. This part is done by CDN as mentioned in the above paragraph. Some of the top-performing content delivery networks are AWS CloudFront and Akamai assure prompt transmission of images to users globally. They are massive as they have their network spread worldwide.

The Processing

We must incorporate the special functionality needed for editing and optimising the images into the content delivery network. Transformation to the WebP format, for example, can reduce image sizes by up to 80%. You may crop images, resize images, add a watermark, etc. to images with this processing feature.

Dedicated “processing servers,” which are distinct from the servers in the content delivery network, are used to carry out this operation. The processing servers carry out the majority of the work in configuring the image CDN. These would always be localised in a few regions and significantly fewer in number than the servers in a content delivery network.

The Storage

While some Image CDNs primarily concentrate on delivery and processing, others present integrated storage or media libraries. This attribute streamlines image management and facilitates seamless amalgamation with the CDN. Not only does this media library streamline image submission and administration, but it also makes it easy to get started with the service.

The Structural Composition of Image CDN

Consider PerceptPixel as an example. It amalgamates a media library for “storage”, AWS CloudFront for “delivery”, and for processing servers across numerous regions, crafting a resilient Image CDN infrastructure.

The image below shows the structure when we combine the three components of an Image CDN.

How Does an Image CDN Operate?

One of the primary reasons why image CDNs are important for enhancing page speed is their ability to cache and deliver images from servers that are closest to the user’s location. This geographical proximity reduces latency and minimises the time it takes for images to load, resulting in a faster and more seamless browsing experience.

Know if you need an Image CDN platform or not. Here are 6 reasons why Image CDN is important.

Upon a user’s solicitation of an image, the CDN facilitates its delivery through a sequence of stages:

  1. The CDN receives the request and verifies if the image is cached.
  2. If uncached, the request is transferred to processing servers for optimization.
  3. The optimized image is furnished to the user, with a cached replica saved for ensuing requests.

While the specifics may fluctuate, the core functionality remains consistent across Image CDNs.

Vital Attributes of an Image CDN

When assessing an Image CDN, ponder over these crucial features:

  • Integration with Existing Storages: Integration with current systems is paramount for a seamless experience.
  • Choice of CDN: Opt for a provider with a dependable and speedy Content Delivery Network, ensuring exceptional performance globally.
  • Location of Processing Regions: Closeness to processing servers diminishes latency, boosting image load times.
  • HTTPS and HTTP/2 Support: Essential for speedy page loading, SEO, and security. Support for custom domains enhances branding and SEO benefits.
  • Integrated Media Library: Eases image management and streamlines workflows for efficient content delivery.

Advanced Image Processing Traits

Think about these advanced features for image optimisation in addition to the structure:

  • Format Optimization: Efficient conversion that strikes a balance between quality and speed to ideal formats like WebP.

  • Controllable Compression: Finely adjust compression levels to harmonize image quality and file size, ensuring optimal performance.

  • Real-time Transformations: Dynamic resizing, cropping, and aspect ratio alterations for responsive images across devices.

  • URL Usability and Security: Guarantee secure, tamper-proof image URLs to prevent unauthorized access and uphold image integrity.

In Closure

Images are essential to the functionality and engagement of websites. Selecting the top Content Delivery Network (CDN) with both basic and sophisticated features is essential to delivering flawless customer experiences.

An exemplary solution is PerceptPixel, offering image optimization, the Option to Image background change, resilient infrastructure, a media library, custom CDN integration, comprehensive assistance and a lot more for your needs.

With 192+ edge locations, 5.1 million transformations each day, used & trusted by top e-commerce companies worldwide and a free plan, it’s a dependable partner in your quest for excellent image delivery.

Do not settle for mediocre website images. Start optimizing today and elevate your user experience to unparalleled heights!

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· 5 min read
Rishika Pandey


What? Users are waiting for more than 3 seconds on your website? And you are not using Image CDN (Content Delivery Network) for your website Images? Not a good idea. That’s like waiting for a slow-motion turtle to finish its race while everyone else is already chilling at the finish line!

Well, did you know that Google says more than 50% of people will bounce off a webpage if it’s slower than three seconds?

Page speed is very important for how people feel when they visit a website. In today’s fast digital world, where people get easily distracted, and have less patience, having a website that loads quickly is super important.

If your website takes too long to load, it can make users frustrated and leave the site quickly. This will increase the bounce rate and hence the SEO ranking of your website will decrease. But again if a website loads fast, it gives a better browsing experience to the users and they’re more likely to stay.

Let’s get to the topic. 6 Reasons to Use CDN (Content Delivery Network) for Images.

Speed Enhancement using Image CDN:

When it comes to making your website faster with images, using a Content Delivery Network (CDN) isn’t just about storing content on servers worldwide. There’s something called an image CDN that can also make your images load faster by making them better. Here’s how:

  • Choosing the Best Format: Smart image CDNs can pick the best format for each image. They can even change pictures into new formats like WebP, which can make them smaller without losing quality. This can make your images load faster by up to 40% compared to regular formats like JPEG.

Global Reach Using Image CDN (Content Delivery Network):

With a network of servers distributed strategically across the globe, CDNs ensure reliable and fast image delivery to users worldwide. This global reach is particularly beneficial for websites catering to international audiences, enhancing user experience regardless of geographic location.

Device Compatibility:

There are so many different devices now, all with different screen sizes and resolutions, CDN (Content Delivery Network) for images makes sure that pictures look good on every device. It changes the pictures to fit each device perfectly. This means that no matter what device someone is using, the pictures on the website will always fit perfectly on the screen and load quickly. This makes sure that everyone gets a smooth and enjoyable experience, no matter what kind of device they have.

Tip: If you’re unsure about how well your website’s images are adapting to different devices, try checking it using tools like Google PageSpeed Insights. This can help you ensure that your website provides a great experience for users, no matter what device they’re using.

Advanced Features:

Image CDNs provide advanced features that enhance website performance, including lazy loading and real-time optimization. Here’s how they work:

  • Lazy Loading: This feature loads images only when someone scrolls to them, conserving bandwidth and improving page speed. By delaying the loading of images until they’re needed, lazy loading saves internet data and ensures your website loads faster.

  • Real-Time Optimization: With real-time optimization, the CDN ensures that your images consistently look good and load quickly. It continuously adjusts image settings to maintain quality while maximizing loading speed. Additionally, it provides valuable data to help you further enhance your website’s performance.

Security and Data Protection:

When it comes to keeping your data safe, CDNs are like superheroes! They use special techniques to protect your information and make sure it stays safe from bad guys.

Here’s how:

  • Robust Encryption: CDNs use powerful codes to lock up your data tight, so only you can unlock it. This keeps your information safe from hackers who might try to steal it.

  • Access Controls: They also have special rules in place to control who can see and use your data. This means only authorized people can access it, keeping it away from anyone who shouldn’t have it.

  • Monitoring Mechanisms: CDNs keep a close eye on your data all the time. If anything looks suspicious, they’ll catch it right away and take action to keep your information safe.

Bandwidth and Server Load Reduction:

When websites use a CDN for images, they move the job of delivering images from their main servers to special CDN servers. This helps in three important ways:

  • Save Money: By using a CDN, websites don’t have to spend as much money on their bandwidth, which is how much data they use to send images to people’s devices.

  • Less Work for Servers: When CDN servers handle image delivery, it means less work for the main servers. This makes the website run smoother and faster.

  • Stable Performance: With less strain on the servers, websites become more stable and perform better overall. This means fewer crashes or slowdowns when people are using the website.

Tip: If you want to improve your website’s performance, consider using a CDN (Content Delivery Network)for images to reduce server load and make your website faster and more reliable.

Concluding (or You can say reason to choose CDN for Images)

Are you still in a dilemma about whether you should go for CDN for your Images? Let me make it simpler for you to decide if you require PerceptPixel CDN (Content Delivery Network for your) images:

  • You are into e-commerce, or have a website that contains a lot of media content
  • There are outages and other performance problems with your website.
  • Your website receives a lot of traffic, or it occasionally sees surges in traffic.
  • You have your audience base around the globe.
  • You are in the future, planning to scale your business
  • You wish to lighten the workload of your development staff.
  • You are concerned about security and host important stuff.

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