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Remote Storage

You can bring your own storage (BYOS) to the platform. This is useful if you have an existing storage solution that you want to use with the platform. This allows you to serve and manage content from your own storage solution, while reaping the benefits of the PerceptPixel platform.

We currently support the following remote storage options:


Remote Storage only supports remotely stored blob sources; Data sources like Google Drive or Dropbox are not yet supported.

To begin, navigate to the Remote Storage page on your dashboard.

PerceptPixel Storage

This is just a fancy way of saying, create a new folder within your own PerceptPixel storage. This is useful if you want to organize your content in a specific way, or if you want to share content with other users.

This manifests as a folder within your own storage, and you can upload content to this folder from the Media Library.

  1. Navigate to Remote Storage on your dashboard, and click on the "Create New" button.
  2. In the "Origin Name" field, enter the name of the folder you wish to create.
  3. In the "Origin Type" field, select "PerceptPixel Storage".
  4. Hit the "Save" button.
Create PerceptPixel Remote Storage PerceptPixel Media Library with the newly created Folder

Remote Storage

A "Remote Storage" origin allows you to serve content from any HTTP(S) endpoint. This is useful if you have an existing solution that allows you to serve content over HTTP(S), and you want to use that with the platform.

  1. Navigate to Remote Storage on your dashboard, and click on the "Create New" button.
  2. In the "Origin Name" field, enter the name of the sub-path you wish to use.
  3. In the "Origin Type" field, select "Remote Storage".
  4. In the "URL Endpoint" field, enter the base URL of your remote storage.
  5. If the remote storage requires any authentication headers, or you need to send additional headers, you can add them in the "Headers" section.
  6. Hit the "Save" button.
Create Remote Storage

For example, we have a "products" folder on our server that contains images of products. We can create a new Remote Storage pointing to this folder, and then use the PerceptPixel CDN to serve these images.

Example of Remote Storage

Remote Storage Example

In the preceding example, we have setup a "Remote Storage" with the following origin URL.

Say there's a file called product-01.png in the images/products folder on our server.

is accessible via,

You may setup a custom domain for your Remote Storage, so that the URLs are more user-friendly.

# for example
# with a default custom domain,

# or with storage specific custom domain,