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Upload a File



The parameters are sent as form data, with x-www-form-urlencoded encoding.



fileThe file to upload


textThe name of the file

Response (200)

For example, if the file name is cat.jpg, and the PerceptPixel ID is demo-brjexrkh, the response will be,

"uid": "aRjexrkh",
"name": "cat.jpg",
"path": "demo-brjexrkh/cat.jpg",

"cdn_url": "",
"thumbnail_url": ",h_600,c_pad/cat.jpg",

"updated_at": "2024-02-28T08:49:31.747492Z",
"file_size": 1020789,
"type": "jpeg",
"width": 3374,
"height": 4498,

"uploaded_by": "",
"client_ip": "",

"caption": null,
"tags": [],

"saved_images": {}

The above response has been formatted, indented and re-arranged for better readability. The actual response will just be valid JSON.


The corresponding type for the response is mocked in TypeScript below.

interface Media {
// file details
uid: string; /* unique identifier for all further references */
name: string;
path: string;

// ready to use CDN URLs
cdn_url: string;
thumbnail_url: string;

// file details
updated_at: string; /* ISO 8601 date time */
file_size: number;
type: string;
width: number;
height: number;

// user details
uploaded_by: string;
client_ip: string;

// metadata
caption: Caption | null; /* best caption */
tags: Tag[]; /* list of tags */

// user saved transformations
saved_images: Record<string, Transform>;

/** Supporting Data Types */

interface Transform {
parent_uid: string; /* uid of the parent image */
uid: string; /* key in saved_images */
url: string;

size: number; /* resultant file size */
type: string; /* resultant file type */
width: string; /* resultant width */
height: string; /* resultant height */

created_at: number; /* epoch milliseconds */

interface Caption {
text: string;
confidence: number;
boundingBox: BoundingBox;

interface Tag {
name: string;
confidence: number;

interface BoundingBox {
x: number;
y: number;
width: number;
height: number;

Response (4xx/5xx)


The data format of the error response is not yet finalized. Please only check the status code at the moment.

{"field":["error message"]}


{"name":["duplicate file path, file with the same name already exists"]}

Example (curl)

# {API_KEY} is your API key
# /path/to/sample.jpg is the complete path to the file you want to upload.
# variable substitution may not work in your shell, so use the entire path.
curl \
-H "Authorization: Api-Key {API_KEY}" \
-F 'file=@/path/to/sample.jpg' \
-F 'name=sample.jpg'

Upload into a folder : Example (curl)

# Replace {API_KEY} with your actual API key, without enclosing it in curly braces
# folder1 should exist (can be created using the dashboard as of now)
# /path/to/sample.jpg is the complete path to the file you want to upload.
# variable substitution may not work in your shell, so use the entire path.

curl \
-H "Authorization: Api-Key {API_KEY}" \
-F 'file=@/path/to/sample.jpg' \
-F 'name=sample.jpg'
-F 'folder=folder1'