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Blurring Images

Enhancing Image Aesthetics with PerceptPixel’s Gaussian blur

When it comes to making images look great online, one secret weapon is Gaussian blur by PerceptPixel. It's a clever trick that smooths out pictures, making them look better without losing too much detail.

What does Gaussian blur do? Gaussian blur blurs an image by averaging the colors of nearby pixels. This helps soften the edges and reduce any rough spots, giving your pictures a smoother and more polished appearance.

Original Image

Follow these steps to add Gaussian blur to your image:


  • blur_{sigma_minimumAmplitude} - Blur transformation can be used by passing sigma and minimum amplitude value preceded by the blur_ literal.
    • sigma → In image processing, "sigma" in Gaussian blur controls how blurry the image becomes. A higher sigma means more blur, while a lower sigma means less blur.
    • minimumAmplitude → In Gaussian blur, "minimum amplitude" is the level where small parts of the blur effect are ignored to make the process faster and the blur smoother.

Original Image
Apply blur effect on the Image

Transformed Image Url